
There are three main types of submissions if you wish to contribute to the Research Symposium: (i) concise papers, (ii) rapid fire presentations, and (iii) posters. Please note that submissions are now closed with over 40 papers being reviewed by the programme team. 

1. Concise Papers

You are invited to submit a title and abstract (maximum of 300 words) for a concise paper on a particular research project or theme. You are also asked to include a short list of follow up 'key readings' (no more than five) at the end of your abstract for those interested in finding out more about this topic. Selected concise papers will have 10 minutes plus question and discussion time for their presentations. In addition a subset of  submissions under this track will be invited to submit an article for publication in TEL Ireland: The Irish Journal of learning Technology.

2. Rapid Fire Presentations

You are invited to submit a title and brief abstract (maximum of 150 words) for a rapid fire presentation on a particular research project or theme. You are also asked to include a short list of follow up 'key readings' (no more than three) at the end of your abstract for those interested in finding out more about this topic. Selected rapid fire papers will have just 3 minutes to share their work with a brief time afterwards for questions, comments and feedback. 

3. Posters

You are invited to submit a title and brief abstract (maximum of 100 words) for a poster describing a specific digital learning initiative or research project. If accepted you will be required to bring a printed copy of the poster with you on the day. You must also submit a PDF of your poster, prior to the event. Posters should be A1 in size and be in portrait orientation. On the day, the Poster Chair will assist you. You will be required  to set up your poster in the morning, and remove it at the end of the day. One of the poster authors must be present and available for discussion at the poster session in order for that poster abstract to be considered for publication in the symposium book of abstracts

Special Call to New and Emerging Researchers

We particularly welcome submissions from first-time participants, those completing their doctoral study and new and emerging researchers. Postgraduate students at earlier stages of their research are invited to submit proposals for their planned and early stage research work. Similarly, recently conferred doctors are also invited to share the experience of their journey. If you do not wish to give a formal presentation, then there will be other opportunities to share your current or planned research during "roundtable discussions" designed around a range of contemporary themes.  

Submission Deadline

Submissions will be accepted until Friday 16th September. You will receive notification of the outcome of your submission by no later than Monday 26th September. 

Selection Criteria

The Research Symposium has an objective of helping to build a stronger research culture and community of researchers in Ireland. While wherever possible we are committed to finding ways to most appropriately share and disseminate your work the focus is very much on research. Accordingly, all submissions will be reviewed by at least two experienced researchers in the area and evaluated against the following five selection criteria:

      • Relevance to the Research Symposium 

      • Aligns with the Symposium's framing questions

      • Is clearly research and helps to contribute to new knowledge and understandings

      • Will be of wider interest to Symposium participants

      • Is well written and follows standard academic conventions

Further Information

If you would like further information about the submission process, then please contact us:



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