
The Programme Overview below gives a general outline of the day. A more detailed Programme Schedule, which includes information on breakout sessions and individual speaker times, can be downloaded below along with a full copy of the Symposium Proceedings. A hard copy of both the Schedule and Proceedings will be available to participants in the event bag. 

      • Final Programme Schedule

      • Full Symposium Proceedings

Major highlights during the day include three keynotes by leading scholars, over 30 concise papers, an interesting variety of rapid fire research presentations, an interactive roundtable session designed to discuss a number of research themes, and exciting news about the Technology-enhanced Learning Ireland Journal. Participants may also wish to register separately for two follow up workshops: (i) Doctoral Workshop for Research on Digital Learning, and (ii) a Learning Design Workshop facilitated by Professor Grainne Conole. The final Programme Schedule will be sent to participants before the event. 






8:00 – 8:50am

REGISTRATION - Tea and Coffee Available

The Helix

8:50 - 9:15am


Why a Research Symposium?

Dr Eamon Costello, Programme Chair

Professor Brian MacCraith

President, Dublin City University

The Mahony Hall

9:15 - 10:00am

Keynote 1

Professor Sian Bayne


 Making a Teaching Philosophy from Research in Digital Education

10:00 - 10:15am

Brief Panel Response

 Catherine Cronin - NUIG

 Dr Conor Galvin – UCD

 Dr Charlotte Holland - DCU

10:15 - 10:45am


10:45 - 11:40am

Research Spotlights 1

Concise Papers

Strand 1

The Mahony Hall

Strand 2

The Space

Strand 3

The Gallery

Strand 4

The Blue Room

 11:40 – 11:45am


 11:45 - 12:45pm

Research Spotlights 2

Concise Papers

Strand 1

The Mahony Hall

Strand 2

The Space

Strand 3

The Gallery

Strand 4

The Blue Room

 12:45 - 13:30pm

LUNCH BREAK – Levels 2 & 3

Research Posters

13:30 - 14:10pm

Keynote 2

Professor Grainne Conole

Research Through the Generations:

Reflecting on the Past, Present and Future

The Mahony Hall

14:10 - 14:55pm

Looking to the Future

Major Research Themes

Key Questions

Roundtable Discussions

Final Report Back

14:55 - 15:00pm

Tribute to Barry McIntyre Rapid Fire Presentations

Paul Gormley

Irish Learning Technology Association

15:00 - 15:30pm


15:30 – 16:10pm

Research Snapshots

Rapid Fire Presentations

Facilitator, Dr Tom Farrelly

Order of Presentations Random

The Mahony Hall

16:10 - 16:45pm

Keynote 3

Professor Paul Conway

From Manuscripts to Digital Era Publishing:

Old and New Academic Practices?


16:45 - 17:00pm

Next Steps

Irish Research Community

Journal Announcement

A Research Network for Scholarly Professionals

17:00 - 17:15pm

Summary Reflections

Professor Mark Brown

Analysis of Major Themes

Weaving Together the Generations

17:15 - 17:30pm

Final Reflections


Symposium Participants

Programme Chair

17:30 - 18:30pm




  2nd November


  9:30 - 11:30


12:30 - 4:30pm

Research Workshops

Doctoral Workshop

Learning Design Workshop

A number of workshops will also be available the following day (Wednesday 2nd November) to give the opportunity to focus on specific topics and themes. 

This workshop is primarily designed for prospective doctoral students who are thinking about embarking on either an EdD or PhD in the general area of Digital Learning. It may also be suitable for current doctoral students who are still developing their research proposals, wishing to seek advice on their study, wanting to meet and network with other Irish doctoral candidates, or people considering transferring from another institution. You must register for this workshop. 

This workshop will explore some of the challenges of learning design in the digital era. It will introduce participants to a number of design tools and techniques for purposeful planning and course design and development. More specificially, the workshop will anchor the creative and iterative design process around the 7C Framework for learning design. The workshop has three majors objectives: (i) to help participants better understand the complexity of learning design; (ii) to help participants more seamlessly integrate on-line and off-line activities and resources, and (iii) to help participants plan, design and develop their own courses using more contemporary models of learning design. The Workshop will be facilitated by Dr Grainne Conole, a leading expert in learning design. You must register for this workshop.



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